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16 March 2009


Don't forget the AMI National Convention coming April 22-25, 2009. It's being held in our own state of Oregon. See the AMI web site for more details.

02 April 2008

Corvallis Chapter Events: June

You are invited to join in...for more information, please email: amicorvallis@gmail.com

Tuesday, June 10 at 1pm- 1-2-3 Magic. Angeli Butler will be sharing a book review on the book 1-2-3 Magic. What a great strategy to add your parenting bag! Kids welcome- babysitting co-op (babysitter volunteers needed also). Location: Barlow's home.

Tuesday, June 17 at 8pm- Family Night Out! A group outing to hear the Corvallis Community Band- their opening night for the summer! Dress for the weather, bring a picnic blanket to sit on and enjoy the music and babies dancing (they're the cutest)! Location: Central Park, Corvallis. More info: www.c-cband.org

SNEAK PEAK: Don't forget Father's Day is June 15th! Stay tuned for more information on our special Father's Day parenting class for moms and their husbands! A fun class honoring dads and parenting! Date and Location: TBA!

21 February 2008

It's time to take care of YOU, Mom!

Saving a mother means saving a family. Thank you to the Corvallis Clinic and nurses Joann and Sue for teaching us about the MammaCare method of breast self-exams. We truly understand that SCREENING SAVES LIVES.
Here are a few statistics:

*Female breast cancer is one of the most frequently disgnosed cancers

*An estimated 178,480 women in the U.S. will be diagnosed in 2007

*62,030 in situ (in the earliest stage)

*85% of breast cancers occur in women with NO family history

*Accounts for 31% of all cancers in women

*Oregon is the #2 in the U.S. for highest incidence rate of diagonsed breast cancer

*Each week 60 women in Oregon will be diagoned with breast cancer

*Approximately 10 will die from the disease every week

*Survival rates: 98% when confined to the breast. 78% when spread to lymph nodes under the arm. 23% with distant spread to lungs, bone, brain.
The earlier it's found, the better the chance for successful treatment!

*About 40% of breast cancer lumps are found accidentally by the woman herself

Age is a risk factor

Reducing your risk:
Eat a well-balanced diet: fruit, vegetables, whole grains
Cut out "bad" fats (trans fatty acids) and subitute with the "good" fats (olive oil)
Consider a multi-vitamin
Limit your alcohol intake to none or little
Read more labels and be an informed consumer

Do Breast self-exams: monthly at age 20 or younger- do the same time of the month, every month
Have Clincal breast exams: every 3 years, starting at age 20; every year from age 40
Have Mammograms: each year starting at age 40

If you want to learn more about breast cancer, breast health, and how to do self-exams, you can sign up for a class offered through the Corvallis Clinic. See www.corvallisclinic.com; go to Classes, category: Women's Issues.